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Baby Horoscope

Baby’s Horoscope – Service by KR Jyotish

Join me, KR Jyotish, in celebrating the magic of your baby’s birth chart. Let’s embark on a celestial voyage that illuminates their path and enriches your parenting journey. Your satisfaction is my commitment, and I assure you that this service will be a treasured asset for years to come.

Welcoming a new life on this planet is one of the most wonderful aspect of life. But what could be the best way to welcome this new guest into your lives? While you can decorate their room, buy the most expensive presents for your new born, there is one thing that can help you shape their entire life – the baby’s horoscope. A baby horoscope is a compact description of the infant’s future and can tell you about your baby’s personality traits, interests, and fortune.

The Baby Horoscope Service is not just a report; it’s a precious investment in your child’s future. For a nominal fee of $101, you receive a detailed horoscope and insights that will resonate throughout their life journey. 

Price USD $101

3 Simple Steps to Baby Horoscope

First Step

Fill up all the required form fields. Once the form is submitted, we’ll receive your data.

Second Step

Submit your choice for KR Jyotish as one of the expert Astrologer for all your Astrological needs.

Third Step

With our available time slots, select your preferred one, create your account and make the payment.

Baby Horoscope

How is Baby’s Birth Chart/Horoscope prepared?

Details like the birth date, birth place and birth time of the baby are needed to prepare a birth chart. This chart comprises of houses at specific positions along with 12 zodiac signs. There are also 9 planets that have a particular position that is known with the help of the birth time of the baby. This birth chart helps in drawing various conclusions, making predictions, and suggesting remedies.

What is known from Baby’s Birth Chart/Horoscope?

Yogas – The Relationship between one planet, house, or zodiac sign to another due to its conjunction, aspect or placement is known as a yoga. Literally translated, yoga means union. While some of the yogas are good and prosperous for the baby, some are not. Fortunately, these can be studied and can help in knowing the future of the infant in a much better way.

Doshas – When two planets in positions that are unfavourable, they can negatively impact the infant’s life despite of the other auspicious elements in the horoscope. Dosha, when literally translated, means defect. So, these defects may become the root cause of some of hardships that the child may face in the future.

Dashas – Dasha refers to the planetary period that tells which planet will be ruling at different times in the life of the child. While some horoscopes may have various auspicious planetary arrangements, some might indicate unfavourable times due to inauspicious planetary arrangements. Thus, dashas are majorly responsible for causing ups and downs in one’s life.

Sade Sati Predictions – Literally translated, Sade Sati means seven and a half. Saturn moves to birth Moon, second or twelfth house from it, better known by Shani Sade Sati. Shani refers to Saturn. So, overall, this depicts the movements of Saturn which usually extends for a period of 7.5 years in a person’s life.

Remedies – If the planetary positions in the baby’s horoscope are not favourable, expert astrologers may recommend suitable remedies to the parents for baby’s betterment and brighter future.

Importance of Baby Horoscope

  1. The Baby Horoscope tells us gives an overview of the various aspect of the baby’s life such as luck, profession, relationships, and much more.
  2. With the help of the Baby Horoscope, Yogas and Doshas can be known properly. This can help in following proper astrological remedies.
  3. Baby Horoscope offers knowledge of Dashas that can further simplify certain aspect of the baby’s life. It also helps in knowing the exact timings of planetary changes and thus makes decision-making better and easier.
  4. Some people have a wrong conception that one would not be able to carry out the suggested remedies for a new born baby even if they know their horoscope. The fact is that these astrological remedies are very easy, even for babies.
  5. As the Baby Horoscope offers knowledge of the baby’s interests and inclinations, this can further help in choosing the right career.
  6. Baby Horoscope can also help in the identification of fortunate and auspicious time periods for the baby. Thus, it could be beneficial in making certain business-related decision as well. This is very helpful for those who have family businesses.
  7. It can help the parents plan the lives of their children as the baby horoscope can give an idea of the child’s education and marriage beforehand.
  8. Baby Horoscope helps in knowing the planetary positions at birth as well as the changing planetary positions that can help know more about the different life phases of the child.
  9. With a Baby Horoscope, parents can know how their baby’s relationship with them will be in the future.
  10. Baby Horoscope can also help in financial planning. Parents can know better about the results of investments for the baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

A baby horoscope tells you about the personality traits and the interests of the baby. Moreover, it also tells you about the future events in the life of the baby that can help in making better and more prudent decisions.

One should understand that life is all about ups and downs. So, one should not panic if they get to know that their child’s horoscope shows unfavourable elements. Also, a baby’s horoscope is to prepare you for the future rather than scaring you. One can easily carry out the suggested astrological remedies and work towards good results.

No, twins do not have the same horoscope. This is because their birth time will be different. And since the birth time is only one of the details required for preparing baby horoscope, the horoscope for both the babies will be different.

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