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Vedic Birth Chart (Kundali)

Vedic Birth Chart – Service By KR Jyotish

The Vedic birth chart also known as the natal chart refers to the symbolic representation of the positions of various planets at the exact time of birth of an individual. Other factors taken into consideration while preparing a natal chart are: the place of birth, date of birth, and the time of birth of an individual. There is a total 12 zodiac signs and 9 planets that are placed in 12 houses of the chart. These houses represent different aspects of an individual’s life and together form total 360° which means it gives an overview of one’s life. However, it should be noted that a natal chart is different from a zodiacal wheel.

Other than the 12 houses, there are also 9 planets represented in the Vedic birth chart astrology. The planetary positions are imperative for all sorts of calculations that predict favorable and unfavorable future events in the life of the individual. All these planets have a particular behavior and the knowledge of these houses gives an insight into the different phases of life that also depict the individual’s innate behavior and demeanor.

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Vedic Birth Chart

The Vedic horoscope of a person is determined on the basis of the zodiac in which the planet was positioned at the time of birth. The zodiac in which the Sun rises at the time of birth is the Ascendant in the birth chart. For instance, if the Sun is in Aries at the time of birth and if the time of birth is morning, then the Sun will be in Aries in the Ascendant. If the Sun at the time of birth is in Taurus and the time of birth is in the morning, then the Sun will be in Taurus in the Ascendant.

Hence, the Sun has the most significant role in determining the Ascendant. And on the other hand, the birth sign is determined by the moon planet. The zodiac in which the Moon is positioned at the time of birth is stated in the birth chart. For instance, if moon is located in Leo sign, then Leo zodiac will be mentioned in the birth chart. It should also be noted that the Moon stays in one zodiac sign for 60 hours and this is how the Vedic birth chart is determined.

What Does The 12 Houses Depict?

  • 1 st house – Also referred to as ‘Lagna’ or ‘Ascendant’. The first house represents your innate nature, your physique, your self-worth, your character, and your lifespan. It also talks about the happiness and sorrows you will face in life.
  • 2 nd house – The second house represents your worldly and materialistic possessions like wealth, property and how affluent life you will lead. It also gives an insight into how your facial features like eyes, nose, tongue, and teeth will be.
  • 3 rd house – The third house represents your siblings. It also tells about your habits, and the kind of achievements and progress you will make in life. It also tells about some of your vital body parts like limbs, nervous system, lungs, and shoulders.
  • 4 th house – The fourth house represents your relationship with your mother. It also lets you know about how lavishly you will live. This house tells about your digestive health.
  • 5 th house – The fifth house represents your children’s lives, your luck, knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence. It also tells about your heart health, and other body parts like upper and middle back, stomach, pancreas, and spine.
  • 6 th house – The sixth house tell about the hardships your will face, the injuries you may have, the kind of enemies, disputes, and diseases you may have. It also tells about the friends you will have Vaidik birth chart and your relatives on the maternal side. The sixth house gives an insight into body parts like waist, lower abdomen, kidney, navel, small intestine, upper part of large intestine, and appendix.
  • 7 th house – The seventh house tells about your life partner, business, travelling, and hidden treasures. On the health front, this house tells about the condition of your kidneys, ovaries, and lower half of back.
  • 8 th house – The eighth house lets us know about your anxieties, apprehensions, fears, or any underlying diseases, and death. This house also lets us know the health of your pelvic bones and external reproductive organs.
  • 9 th house – The ninth house tells us about your fortune, religion, happiness, reputation, and glory. The house gives an insight into the health of your thighs, thigh bones, bone marrow, left leg, and arterial system.
  • 10 th house – The tenth house determines your relationship with your father, and the kind of success and respect you will get in your work. On the health front, this house gives an idea of the health of your knees, kneecaps, bones, and joints.
  • 11 th house – The eleventh house represents your relationship with your elder brother, your income, wealth and your contentment. This house also talks about the health of your ankle, right leg, shin bone, left ear, and left arm.
  • 12 th house – The twelfth house talks about your expenses, worries, and usual quandaries. The house gives an insight into the health of your left eye, feet, and arterial system.

What Do The 9 Planets Depict?

  • Sun – This planet is the indicator of prestige and the position one will hold in society. The planet lets us know about the health, wealth, and authority of the individual.
  • Moon – This planet is the indicator of peace of mind, morale, and harmony. The planet Moon determines the feelings and emotions of the individual. Thus, people who have a under strong influence of Moon are quite emotional or sensitive.
  • Mars – This planet is the indicator of your fighting ability and aggressiveness. Mars imparts virtues like courage and bravery.
  • Mercury – This planet is the indicator of wisdom, intellect, and knowledge regarding subjects like mathematics and astronomy. It imparts virtues like logical and rational thinking.
  • Saturn – This planet is the indicator of justice and karma for an individual. This planet ensures that an individual will reap what he/she sow.
  • Jupiter – Jupiter is the indicator of spirituality in a human. This planet also helps in diminishing the negative effects of unfavorable planetary positions. It offers good fortune and good physical health.
  • Venus – Venus is the indicator of love, romance, beauty, and all kinds of relationships of an individual. The planet bestows prosperity and happiness in a person’s life. Other than these – physical planets, there are two shadow planets – Rahu and Ketu.
  • Rahu – Rahu is generally referred to as the North Node of the Moon. However, it behaves like Saturn. It is the indicator of virtual aspects in life. The planet bestows virtues like self-confidence, fearlessness, and bravery.
  • Ketu – Ketu is generally referred to as the South Node of the Moon. It also gives an insight into the the previous life of the individual and imparts enlightenment to the person.

What is the importance of the Vedic birth chart?

  1. The Vedic birth chart or natal chart tells us about how prosperous life one would lead.
  2. The natal chart helps us know the probability of inheriting property or money.
  3. It also gives an insight into the various kinds of possessions owned by a person.
  4. It gives us an idea of the kind of relationships a person has with his/her parents, siblings, neighbors, and relatives.
  5. The Vedic birth chart also gives an idea regarding the kind of investments a person should make for lucrative returns.
  6. It also represents if the person is social and a good speaker.
  7. Natal charts also help in the depiction of the health of various body organs. Thus, this can help in knowing what kind of health issues one may face and they can be prevented through astrological remedies.
  8. Natal charts help in predicting whether a marriage between two people will be successful or not.
  9. Vedic birth charts can tell you about the people who may want to hurt you and from whom you should maintain a distance.
  10. Vedic birth chart evaluation can also help in illuminating one’s mind and help them walk on the path towards spirituality.

Frequently Asked Questions

With the knowledge of the birth place, birth date, and birth time of the person, one can know about the planetary positions in that person’s horoscope.

The Planetary positions at the birth time of the person play a significant role. However, current planetary positions as well as planetary transits are also important factors that need to be considered for arriving at a conclusion for existing situation.

The planetary effects are studied on the basis of their positions at the time of birth and current positions in various zodiac signs to come up to a conclusion.

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